
Amazing ComfyUI Workflows by ZHO

Amazing ComfyUI Workflows by ZHO

ComfyUI has become my most common AI Image and Video generation tool, 2nd only to Automatic1111. As much as I was apprehensive about using ComfyUI I am overjoyed by the community that is behind ComfyUI which continues to develop and share ComfyUI workflows. One such...

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Getting Started with ComfyUI IPAdapter Plus

Getting Started with ComfyUI IPAdapter Plus

IPAdapter has been around for a long time (in AI space time) but I have never really taken the time to explore it in anyway. At the moment I am travelling on vacation and therefore have time to explore new things when not out and about. However I don't have my PC with...

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Stable Cascade Workflow with Upscaler

Stable Cascade Workflow with Upscaler

Stable Cascade almost feels like the underdog overshadowed by the announcement of Stable Diffusion 3, however SD3 is not out yet not available as early access to anyone yet. So before we leapfrog from one release to next, let's settle down and enjoy some capabilities...

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Comfyspace – a ComfyUI Workflow Manager

Comfyspace – a ComfyUI Workflow Manager

A major missing piece in the ComfyUI interface has been the in-ability to easily manage multiple workflows as you work. Until now I had been running two tabs in my browser, normal tab and incognito tab which allowed me to have two workflows open so I could test and...

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Stable Video Diffusion using ComfyUI

Stable Video Diffusion using ComfyUI

Last week's hottest news other than the drama unfolding at Open.AI with Sam, this was a very positive news when Stability.AI announced that they have released Stable Video Diffusion (21st November 2023). A few days later the first two models are available for...

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Generative AI for Krita

Generative AI for Krita

Oddly enough seeing a lot of live LCM popping up everywhere especially Krea.Ai which has implemented it already got me further curious and I somehow discovered Krita as a result. Krita is an standalone open source image editing software, so its free and feature rich...

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Tip: Workflow Link/Noodle Settings

Tip: Workflow Link/Noodle Settings

If you are new or even have been using ComfyUI you might have seen or wondered how to manage or make the noodles (technically called links) in our workflow appear neater. OCD part of your break might like to nicely organise the workflow of ComfyUI so it looks neat and...

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Discover and Download ComfyUI Workflow for Free

ComfyUI is one of those interfaces that you need to get comfy with. If you are intimidated with it then you won't like it, nor would you spend the time in learning it. Its the same case when I tried to learn Capture One Pro a photo editing software (very good for...

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