ComfyUI has become my most common AI Image and Video generation tool, 2nd only to Automatic1111. As much as I was apprehensive about using ComfyUI I am overjoyed by the community that is behind ComfyUI which continues to develop and share ComfyUI workflows.
One such amazing creator is Zho and has published some amazing workflows via Git Repo. However some of the content is published in Mandarin or Cantonese so you can translate it using Google. I have linked the whole repo in English using Google translate so checkout the whole page in English here.
He is very active and always creating new stuff. For the time it took to put this whole blog together Zho had released new nodes so chances are when you are reading this post there are much more Custom Workflows available on the GitHub page.
How to Use these Workflows
Simply download the JSON or PNG files provided in the links below and start using them by loading them in your ComfyUI interface. If you are missing some nodes (these will show up in red), follow this post and video to install missing nodes.
Stable Cascade Workflow
Zho has published a collection of Stable Cascade Workflows that let you create txt2img, use Canny ControlNet, in-painting and img2img. The workflows are beautifully laid out and organised on the screen.
Differential Diffusion Inpainting
Differential diffusion workflow lets you in-paint into an existing image using mask and text based prompts. Its a wonderful way to enjoy and edit existing images to create, enhance and add new elements to. Quite a fun workflow in my opinion.
You can download the Simple workflow or the Text2Img workflow
YoloWorld EfficientSAM
A very powerful AI based object detection and segmentation workflow that let’s you identify various objects in the scene easily using existing models and then can generate a mask you can manipulate the image if you so desire. Can work nicely when you want to in-paint something in an image. You could also combine it with some of the other workflows above.
WordCloud Workflow
A word cloud workflow that lets you take an image generated from Txt2Img prompt “a kangaroo” or anything else you like which is then segmented to remove the background and then the text provided is evaluated to generate a word cloud in the shape of the image it generated. I tried it myself and its pretty fun to generate some word clouds.
InstantID Workflow
InstantID workflow that let’s you recreate a reference face based on the initial input image. You do need to install and have some models in place to use it so make sure you follow the instructions on the page and read the english version.
Zho has added some cool touches to this one where you can choose an artist style and movement using custom nodes. If you need the custom nodes using ComyUI Manager to install missing nodes (red nodes in your workflow)
APISR in ComfyUI
APISR is a Anime Production Inspired Real-World Anime Super-Resolution that let you take anime/cartoon images and video and increase their resolution by 2x or 4x by using their provided models. Zho has implemented this APISR code in ComfyUI and the below workflow example allow you to increase resolution of anime/cartoons. English version of the readme.
Download the workflows here. Two JSON files are provided for use in ComfyUI. Make sure you use ComfyUI Manager to install missing nodes.
These are some of the coolest workflows that are available so far but Zho keeps adding more and more, I’ve just seen SVD version that Zho is working on so make sure you check this out.
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