2024 is accelerating the movement of video tools that can animate and create motion in still images using AI. RunwayML has releases some new motion brushes, yes “es”. There are multiple motion brush – 5 to be precise that you can use to select different objects in your image and then define the motion that you want them to take.

In this video I show you my first attempt which is pretty ordinary and does not count towards the examples which you will see below and they are much better. Must mention that I have not played much in RunwayML with its video tools but I think that time has come.


Wonderful example of product showcase using RunwayML new Motion Brush. Make sure you follow @0xFramer

Blaine Brown

Blaine demonstrates how with the use of the multiple brushes you can bring a still image to life. Can you feel the terror in this clip? Follow @blizaine

Christopher Fryant

Chris takes the classic Inception city bending scene to RunwayML and is easily able to replicate the movements as originally done in the movie. Follow @cfryant

Abel Art

Multi object movement using the brushes from RunwayML, wonderfully demonstrated by Abel. Check out @a_b_e_l_a_r_t profile and give Abel a follow.


Checkout a simple yet very nice example of movement between two subjects in a scene. Follow @shimayus

Dan Dawson

Dan creates an action packed scene using RunwayML, there smoke, fire, explosions and a chase!! Follow @dan_dawson_

Always Editing

A very cute application of the RunwayML brushes where 5 ducks are animated above and under the water, very clever. Follow @notiansans

Rory Flynn

In this clip Rory takes a few images and shows the animations that can be created using RunwayML. Check it out and try these simple things yourself – I know I will be playing with these. Make sure you follow @ror_fly

Vincenzo Cosenza

Vince is playing with fire on water in this wonderful display of animation he created. Follow @vincos


Last but not least we have a super cool example by RunwayML team themselves shared on their X account. Check out RunwayML yourself and start your free account. Follow them on X @runwayml

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