Top 5 RunPod Templates for AI Image Generation

Top 5 RunPod Templates for AI Image Generation

3 weeks away from my desktop has forced me to explore environment more and more. This lead to getting comfortable and testing the various builds of the Templates that are available in So here I will share my opinion on my Top 5 Runpod Templates...

Create Attention Grabbing Promo Video with ControlNet

This is mind numbingly simple, yet so powerful that once you understand what you can do with you can create some very powerful attention grabbing videos using AI. In particularly we are talking about ControlNet 1.1 in conjunction with Stable Diffusion. The concept and...

Get the Prompt of any Image with Midjourney

With Easter upon us, the engineers at Midjourney have been delivering some amazing Easter eggs for us to enjoy over these holidays. There are two BIG features that are /describe and permutations that are next level in AI text to image creation game. In this post we...

Getting Started with JAX Diffusion

For a long time now since I started playing around with AI Art creation, I have not had much success with JAX and have in fact given up on it after trying several times. I found it hard to understand and use, kept crashing often even when I have faster GPUs...

10 Amazing Futuristic Homes with Midjourney

If you are not familiar with my collection of artist styles in Midjourney you should check out the post that explorers thousands of artists and their styles using Midjourney. In this post I focus on 10 very famous architects who are well known for their work. So I use...

Fine Tuned Stable Diffusion Models – Halloween Diffusion

With the various advancements in Stable Diffusion and AI models, it isn't a surprise that we start to see specialised models coming out fine tuned to perform specific tasks. One such model called Halloween Diffusion has been created by @proximasan - one of the main...


Review of Midjourney v6 Alpha

Review of Midjourney v6 Alpha

Midjourney has been making small incremental increases since last few version but the expectation with version 6 is that is a bigger leap and change coming up. In some of the shares the Midjourney team have highlighted several aspects will improve such as: Prompt...

Stable Video Diffusion – Cyberpunk Cityscape

Stable Video Diffusion – Cyberpunk Cityscape

I came across this video in my daily feeds when scrolling through and the author (videojongleur) shared the tools how this video was created. Amongst a combination of things the potential of Stable Video Diffusion (SVD) is showcased here. Teamed with a creative mind,...

Latent Consistency Model (LCM) SDXL and LCM LoRAs

Latent Consistency Model (LCM) SDXL and LCM LoRAs

Latent Consistency Model (LCM) have recently exploded over the internet and all the rage right now is about getting closer to real-time image generation where the image is generated and re-generated as you update your prompt. Recent releases has come out with LCM...


RunPod.IO kohya_ss OSError: image file is truncated

RunPod.IO kohya_ss OSError: image file is truncated

I've been using for a while now to learn and train LoRA building but recently I got an error which coming soon after Kohya_ss script are checking latents. caching latents. checking cache validity... 100%|██████████| 40/40 [00:00<00:00, 741.78it/s]...

Midjourney Film Camera Aesthetics

Midjourney Film Camera Aesthetics

A collections some classic film cameras that have been known for their brilliant aesthetics have been used in Midjourney to create the results you would have seen in the film prints. The image produce with Midjourney are much better than what Stable Diffusion (SD) or...

Free App – Stable Diffusion Prompt Reader

Free App – Stable Diffusion Prompt Reader

Running Stable Diffusion web interfaces on my computer, I'd been wondering if there is a better way to have a script that can read the TXT information embedded in the PNG generated by different interfaces like ComfyUI, Automatic1111 and InvokeAi etc. I use mostly...


Training my first SD LoRA

Training my first SD LoRA

Inspired by a post by @rainisto where he shared how he created an AI character (women) using Midjourney and then trained a Stable Diffusion (SD) v1.5 Low Rank Adaptation (LoRA) so that you can create consistent character of the women in different settings. This...

Create Infinite Kids Colouring Pages with Midjourney AI

Create Infinite Kids Colouring Pages with Midjourney AI

Something my daughter used to love doing when she was younger but still today enjoys a bit of colouring in by giving herself challenges and limiting the number of distinct colours she would use. I saw a post by @chaseleantj on X where the creator used Midjourney and...

Spiral Optical Illusion Image Generation – Stable Diffusion

Spiral Optical Illusion Image Generation – Stable Diffusion

Trending right now there is a who flurry of images being generating using spiral optical illusion that is embedded inside the image generated using stable diffusion. The result looks quite intriguing and this is not just limited to spirals you can use any other kind...

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There are many things to explore in our store where you can buy the best seller: Artist Study (4000+ artists) with Midjourney and SDXL. Get access to other studies, Custom LoRAs or become a supporter to get exclusive content.

Explore our Prompts

Darkcore Baltic Violence

cinematic, Avant Apocalypse jellyfish meets Darkcore Baltic Violence Tumblr –ar 16:9 –v 5.1

prompt credit: @nickfloats

Japanese Woodblock Print

[subject], [colour / palette] colour schemes, japanese woodblock-inspired prints, 32k uhd –ar [2:3]

Eg. giant robot on the street with humans walking around, anime art, realistic color schemes, japanese woodblock-inspired prints, 32k uhd –ar 2:3

Prompt credit: madaro_art

Stunning Cyberpunk Female

Majestically cinematic close up professional photo quality shot of a futuristic neon lit style cyberpunk street, very futuristic with LED’s and advance tech. A stunning cyberpunk female poses holding a gun outside in the cyberpunk city, extremely detailed magazine quality photograph, cinematic lighting, 8k sharp focus. expert precision including intricate examples of undeniably amazing image quality and detailed design, stunning unique with intricate details, amazing background detail –ar 3:2 –s 1000

Prompt credit: @orctonAI

Intergalactic Battle

Scene action of a fierce intergalactic battle between two armies with spaceships shooting laser beams on the space, in this battle there are many explosions and destroyed spaceships, taked by Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camera, directed by Cristopher Nolan, cinema lighting, hyper – detailed, ultrarealistic, insane details, astropunk aesthetic –ar 16:9 –s 500

Prompt credit: @MayorKingAI

Multiple Pose Lomography

A phasomelic color skin toned articulating the progression of a woman within the cloudmix, liquid metal toned face, minimalist, 3 panel vector graphics:: multiple pose lomography:: kitschy –ar 16:9

Prompt credit: @HBCoop_

Anime Woman

an anime woman is standing in front of a building, in the style of boldly black and white, grainy, biopunk, bulbous, blink-and-you-miss-it detail, grid-based, hard-edge –ar 3:2 –style raw

Prompt credit: @josepho

Bearded Guy with Glasses

photography, close up, 25 year old bearded guy wearing a hat a suit and glasses, late evening, uplifting, great times, front view, Kodak Portra 400, shallow depth of field capture city background –ar 6:7 –c 15

Prompt credit: @astrollnaut