Installing ControlNet in Automatic1111

Installing ControlNet in Automatic1111

I’ve been experimenting more with my local PC with Stable Diffusion and enjoying the control I have over my images and generations. I wanted to make sure that I document the steps and share resources I have found when installing ControlNet on my local instance...
5 Artist – 5 Prompts – 5 Versions of Midjourney

5 Artist – 5 Prompts – 5 Versions of Midjourney

Midjourney has just released a new version of their AI Generation Model just last week and prior to its release I shared a preview of upcoming Midjourney v5 earlier in the blog. So I asked a few fellow AI artists to share their prompt and We invite 5 artists to...
Building a Custom AI Art Generation PC

Building a Custom AI Art Generation PC

Text-to-Image AI based models are all the hype at the moment. With many commercial organisations dabbling into this space like Bing, Adobe, Google etc. You also have dedicated services provided by sites like Midjourney (the leader in my view),, DreamStudio...
Animated GIF from Images Generated with Midjourney

Animated GIF from Images Generated with Midjourney

A wonderful idea by @GanWeaving of taking images from Midjourney to create these cool animated GIF images that you can just watch for hours. I saw this post and was immediately inspired to try this with my own creations. I've re-upscaled the same image 18x in...
Famous Logo Processed with ControlNet

Famous Logo Processed with ControlNet

ControlNet is the latest neural network structure that allows you to control diffusion models by adding extra conditions, a game changer for AI Image generation. It brings unprecedented levels of control to Stable Diffusion. So naturally this is the latest buzz going...