Gallery Blog

Midjourney – Private/Stealth Mode

In this blog post I want to share how to use Private Mode in Midjourney. As I stated in my earlier blog post about Midjourney, you essentially work in a shared space (ie channels) which means your prompt is visible to others working in the same channel. However as a...

Midjourney – Start your Journey

An independent research lab. Exploring new mediums of thoughts. Expanding the imaginative power of the human species. Very nice and interesting platform for AI assisted artwork creation. But its not what you think and how it works is quite different to other providers...

Getting Started with JAX Diffusion

For a long time now since I started playing around with AI Art creation, I have not had much success with JAX and have in fact given up on it after trying several times. I found it hard to understand and use, kept crashing often even when I have faster GPUs...

Disco Diffusion Modifiers

Below is a collection of modifiers or styles you can add to your AI Art creation when using Disco Diffusion to give it a particular feel. This helps AI further in understanding what kind of look you are going for the final result. This collection is again shared by...

Anything Punk Modifiers for AI Art

This is once again a wonderful study using Disco Diffusion to demonstrate the kind of result adding these modifier achieves on the final image. This study was conducted by Stephen Young who made significant contributions to Disco Diffusion 70+ Artist Studies which...

Disco Diffusion 70+ Artist Studies

This blog post is a collection of artist studies done using Disco Diffusion put together (sourced from Twitter) in one place to help you understand what kind of result you would get using a specific artists name. If you are interested in checking out Disco Diffusion,...

Getting Started with Disco Diffusion

Disco Diffusion is a great another AI modeling technique that can be used to covert Text-to-Image using prompts that describe the scene. There is a lot of information out there so its often difficult to find the right stuff. In this post, I hope to provide basic...

Yellow Dragon

This artwork was created by prompting the AI to create a Dragon from a flower image and what resulted was pretty funny as the AI only created ONE eye of the dragon. After a few attempts I got something that I liked and then final artwork is created by symmetrically...

Empty Mind of a Cyborg

First listing of the Weird Wonderful AI Art collection, this piece of art is created using generative art where this face like creature appeared. This creature was captured as its empty mind needs to be filled to serve it's master. Own it and command it! Those...



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San Francisco, CA 23514, USA
(246) 351-3613

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