Gallery Blog

Stable Cascade Workflow with Upscaler

Stable Cascade almost feels like the underdog overshadowed by the announcement of Stable Diffusion 3, however SD3 is not out yet not available as early access to anyone yet. So before we leapfrog from one release to next, let's settle down and enjoy some capabilities...

How to install ComyUI Manager – Step by Step Video ComyUI is very powerful when it comes to building custom workflows to generate images, videos and all kinds of created images. In this video tutorial I show you how you can quickly and easily install ComfyUI Manager in your ComfyUI...

Stable Diffusion 3 – Summary of the paper

Improving Text-to-Image Synthesis with Multi-Modal Diffusion Models Text-to-image synthesis is a rapidly growing field that has gained significant attention in recent years. The goal of text-to-image synthesis is to generate an image based on a given text description....

How to Run Stable Cascade Locally

Last week has been incredible with the release of some really cool updates in the AI space, most notably the one getting least attention at the moment is Stable Cascade. git clone cd Stable-Cascade python -m...

Demo of Stable Cascade and Sample Images

Woke up to the news that a new Stable Diffusion release called "Stable Cascade" has come out over night. So naturally this is creating a lot of buzz on various socials but there aren't many resources out there to start to demo or play with it just yet. Give it a week...

A guide to SREF Style Reference in Midjourney

SREF (Style Reference) is one of the newest features released by Midjourney which essentially behaves like a style training LoRA. It allows you to consistently generate images in a particular style aesthetic simply by learning from a supplied image. Its pretty cool...

Midjourney Hallucination and more by MANΞKI NΞKO

I came across this innovative technique where @manekinekoAIArt (Neko) describes the process of how he came across a prompt that let's you take Midjourney on a Hallucinogenic trip to create some unique images created using simple prompt that Neko shares and using...

RunPod.IO kohya_ss OSError: image file is truncated

I've been using for a while now to learn and train LoRA building but recently I got an error which coming soon after Kohya_ss script are checking latents. caching latents. checking cache validity... 100%|██████████| 40/40 [00:00<00:00, 741.78it/s]...

Midjourney Film Camera Aesthetics

A collections some classic film cameras that have been known for their brilliant aesthetics have been used in Midjourney to create the results you would have seen in the film prints. The image produce with Midjourney are much better than what Stable Diffusion (SD) or...



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