Disco Diffusion is a great another AI modeling technique that can be used to covert Text-to-Image using prompts that describe the scene. There is a lot of information out there so its often difficult to find the right stuff.

In this post, I hope to provide basic information to help you get started with Disco Diffusion. The content is not created by me, I am simply putting the resource together of what I have found on the web for others to access easily.

The creator of this notebook is Somani_dreams who put this together and shares lot of their content on Twitter. Make sure you follow Somani_dreams and also check out some of our sample images created using Disco Diffusion.

The cool thing about this notebook is that is supports:

  • Non-square image creation (you can create square images of course)
  • Video Animation creation
  • Save intermediatory steps along the way

I’ve discovered it recently and having fun playing around with this. There is also a video tutorial that explains more on how to use the Colab Notebook. Be sure to check it out.

Video tutorial on how to use Disco Diffusion Colab Notebook

Another tutorial on Disco Diffusion Colab notebook

Sample Images created using DD

Below are a sample set of images created using Disco Diffusion with some post-processing like contract, clarity and tone curve using Polarr Pro Editor (free editor)

Church of Bad Vibes
Whale home – artwork from Creature Homes collection
Robot standing guard to a secret lab
Steampunk factory

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